
Sylvania tube manuals

Following are two full Sylvania tube manuals.  Unfortunately Sylvania didn't put data sheets on separate pages - they run together - so it's hard to break up the data into individual files and index them, like the HB-3 data set is.  So I just broke the manual up into several parts.  You'll have to look to see if the data you want is in there.

The Sylvania manuals do have some data and curves that I haven't seen elsewhere, particularly for the loctal tube types.

The Sylvania manuals are in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format.  I recommend that if you don't already have it you download the latest version of Adobe reader.  Some files have compressed images that may not work correctly with older versions of Acrobat reader.


1951 Sylvania tube manual:

The 1951 manual I have looks to be 100% original, no updated or removed pages.  This manual is the better one for loctal data - some types were moved to "obsolete" status and into the condensed data section by 1959.

Full 1951 tube manual (364 pages, 15MB PDF file)

Introduction - Forward, Table of contents (89kB)

Tube data section 1 - 0A3 through 6B4G (3.2MB)

Tube data section 2 - 6BA5 - 6T8 (3.1MB)

Tube data section 3 - 6U4 - 12SR7 (3.4MB)

Tube data section 4 - 14A4 - 5722 (1.6MB)

Appendix section 1 - Fundamental electrical laws, Fundamental properties of vacuum-tubes, Definitions of common radio terms, General tube and circuit information, Tube dimensions, Use of curves, Resistance-coupled amplifier data (2MB)

Appendix section 2 - Obsolete and seldom encountered types, Base diagrams for seldom encountered types, Sylvania panel lamps,

Sylvania ballast tubes and plug-in resistors (1.6MB)


1959 Sylvania tube manual:


The 1959 manual has had a lot of update pages inserted into it.  This means that the data can be somewhat out of order.  So if you don't find what you're looking for where it is supposed to be, look forward or backward a little bit just to make sure the update didn't get the data you're looking for out of order.  If the type you're looking for is near the end or beginning of a section look in the adjacent section as well.


The 1959 book lost some older tube data, and some of the good info in the appendix, but gained a bunch of picture tube (CRT) data, "modern" TV tubes, as well as some other odd info like crystal diode data.


At over 750 pages this one has to stay broken into pieces!


Introduction - Forward, Table of Contents (88kB)

Tube data section 1 - 00A - 5X8 (1.7MB)

Tube data section 2 - 5V3 - 6AX5GT (2.1MB)

Tube data section 3 - 6AX6G - 6BZ6 (2MB)

Tube data section 4 - 6BN4 - 6CM8 (1.9MB)

Tube data section 5 - 6CM6 - 6DT6 (2MB)

Tube data section 6 - 6H6 - 7A8 (1.9MB)

Tube data section 7 - 7AB7 - 12CM6 (1.6MB)

Tube data section 8 - 12BZ7 - XXL (1.7MB)

Condensed data section - limited data on obsolete types (1.5MB)

Picture tubes section 1 - 2AP1 - 12KP4 (1.3MB)

Picture tubes section 2 - 10NP11 - 17CP4 (1.3MB)

Picture tubes section 3 - 17CLP4 - 21EP4B (1.3MB)

Picture tubes section 4 - 21ACP4A - 27SP4 (1.3MB)

"Silver screen 85" picture tube cross reference (65kB)

Special purpose tubes index (41kB)

Special purpose tubes - Crystal diodes, gas tubes, industrial types, receiving and miscellaneous types, subminiature receiving types, transmitting types, voltage regulators (884kB)

Appendix index (14kB)

Appendix - Fundamentals of vacuum tubes, vacuum tube ratings, receiving tube screen voltage ratings, receiving tube rectifier ratings, series string television, amplifier classification, use of curves, tube and base diagram symbols, handling of picture tubes, tube outlines, resistance-coupled amplifiers  (1.4MB)